We learn best when we can see, hear, touch and feel - in other words, when we can experience things at first hand. Multi-sensory learning is an important part of school life, and school trips answer the requirements of all five senses.
It’s because of this that we organized Educational Trip to RIMS – Rajendra Institute of Medical Science, Ranchi. We also plan the next trip to Vigyan Kendra Ranchi. Educational trips take many different forms. When your child visits a museum to find out more about a history topic, walks into the local town to do some geography fieldwork, or goes to an art gallery or theatre, he is taking part in an educational visit.
Whatever the subject, you can be sure that these visits are planned to help your child enrich their learning experience. And the best bit is that they are having fun while they’re learning!

And that is why, we took school children on a trip to RIMS, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences. We were moved by their desire to become doctors. We thought that meeting doctors and visiting a medical college will act as inspiration and motivation. How we did it, and our experience of the trip will be shared in a different post very soon! Keep reading and taking initiatives at your level.
We Appreciate Your Initiative For The Noble Cause.