Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Need for a change in the Indian Education System.

The current education system does not teach how to become innovators or entrepreneurs or artists. Had it been so, they would have been millions in numbers.

More often than not, the Entrepreneurs, Artists and Innovators are either dropouts or have bad grades. To a few of them, their education may have given the technical know-how (though it is hardly conceivable), but not the dream or the inspiration needed. It is the education which should inspire one to become something one really wants to. Education should make you free, should make you experiment and it should make you ask questions. Ultimately, it should make you realize who you are, what exactly your goal or dream should be and how to achieve it.

There's a need to change the education system from the ground-up that is from the primary level (reduce work load, put more importance on physical activities, encourage original thinking etc).I believe that there should not be any form of evaluation (exam or so) till age 10 years (lets say upto class 4 level).

Subsequently the exam patterns should change and put more emphasis on original thinking, innovative ideas and problem solving rather than emphasizing on mugging up the theory.Basic education should be in mother tongue but English should be made compulsory. The benefit of Education in mother tongue is evident from countries like China and Japan.

We have an obligation to give something back to our country which will have a long term impact on the whole society.These are few of my thoughts. Let’s start a vibrant discussion and let us know your opinion in this matter. I would be glad to have your feedback - appreciation and criticisms both are welcome!


  1. Zeeshan, your article made me happy. And you said right - we have received a lot from our country, its time to pay back!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Zeeshan Bahiya...I appreciate your words.

    Please Throw some light on the idea of "Education In Mother Tongue...."
    My Brain Is not ready to accept this idea.

    In Indian Govt. Schools classes are carried out in Hindi blended with the idea of compulsary English. But still you can find English School students in present education System lead miles ahead the former students in every respect. In bitter words I should say, hindi students lag miles behind their English counterparts.

    I believe, the results brought out in China and Japan is all due to its historic and cultural backgound which is quite different from that of India.

    Rather we should bear in mind the impact which may be laid on our country! As ideas should be result-oriented and case dependent in every particular case... No theory is General theory!!


    All The best!!!!

  4. Aakash, I agree that English Medium Students are usually more ahead than the Hindi Medium Students. But, this is because of the fact that most of the English Medium Schools are private funded and have better facilities.

    It has been scientifically proven that any person learns faster in his mother tongue than any other language.

    The poor condition of the children in Hindi Medium Schools is because of the poor quality of teachers. For example, we have some Hindi Medium students in BIT Mesra and they have done well. I too have studied in Hindi Medium School for sometime. I have much to explain and say... but it would require another post!
